e-prevention and risk reduction in festive environments. Know more, risk less
It is transmitted by fellatio, but not only. By simple contact with the infected area, around the sex, anus, mouth areas. But also by indirect contact during group sexual activities.
You can also self-contaminate by touching the infected parts and then other anogenital areas still uninfected or… with auto-fellatio, but this remains exceptional!
Warts (the infamous “condylomas” or “cockscombs”) that are nothing glamorous on the sex, the anus or in the mouth, which sometimes itch. Lesions can develop without your knowing and progress to anogenital or oropharyngeal cancers. This remains rare, but not exceptional.
Can this be cured?
This cannot be well treated. Condylomas can be removed by a doctor but may frequently return. If detected early, cream can also be used (by prescription). If untreated, they can proliferate.
Where and when to consult?
In case of itching, condylomas or unidentified wounds in the sex, anus, mouth. But also, regularly – because you may be infected without your knowing – to check that everything is fine (especially if you have several partners). You can consult with your doctor or go to a CIDDIST1.
How to prevent HPV with oral sex?
HPV is highly contagious and can go unnoticed. In case of symptoms and during the treatment period, avoid blowjobs. While a condom reduces the risk, it does not protect the entire contaminating area. If you are not infected (or if you don’t know), the condom remains the best protection against the spread of HPV. Think of condoms specifically designed for oral sex.
1 Centre d’information, de dépistage et de diagnostic des infections sexuellement transmissibles.