e-prevention and risk reduction in festive environments. Know more, risk less

PrEP, for whom, for what?

PrEP is a new HIV prevention strategy. It consists of providing HIV-negative people who do not always have condom-protected sex with a combination of active anti-HIV drugs (antiretrovirals), taken before and after sexual exposure in order to reduce the risk of HIV infection. The principle is that the anti-HIV drug present in the body prevents the virus from multiplying

For whom?

 PrEP is indicated for people who do not systematically use condoms during sex, especially men and transgender people having sex with men. It is also indicated for:

  • sex workers;
  • people from high-prevalence regions (sub-Saharan Africa, Caribbean, etc.) and their partners;
  • intravenous drug users;
  • people with multiple partners.

In the context of a serodivergent couple, PrEP is not recommended (Morlat expert report on the treatment of HIV in France) for the seronegative partner if the seropositive partner has had an undetectable viral load for several months (TasP – Treatment as Prevention).

How does it work?

“Intermittent” or “on-demand” PrEP involves taking pills a few hours before and then a few hours after sex without a condom protection.

In periods of foreseeable exposure to risk, the tablets are used on an occasional basis.

In the case of unplanned unprotected sex, it is recommended that PrEP be taken “continuously,” i.e. every day.

The person benefits from reinforced prevention strategies (condoms, HIV and STI screening, individual counseling, vaccinations, etc.) and regular biological monitoring to ensure good tolerance of the treatment, as the latter can sometimes cause kidney or bone problems.

Where to find it?

Many clinics have opened in France.

PrEP can only be prescribed for the first time by specialized sexual health doctors (infectious diseases department, and CeGIDD – free STI information, screening and diagnosis center). It can be renewed by a general practitioner, provided that the recommended preliminary tests are followed. It is delivered and covered by the Social Security system in hospital and city pharmacies.

Additional support from associations is often offered. For more information about PrEP or your sexual health, call Sida Info Service at 0800 840 800 (7 days a week, free and anonymous).

In partnership with
• In any case call or have somebody call 112 or 15 (in France)
• if the person is conscious :
- keep him/her awake by talking to her.
• if the person is uncounscious : undo his/her tight clothes, check if he/she’s breathing and put him/her in recovery position
• stay with him/her until emergency services arrive and inquire about the location of a defibrillator