e-prevention and risk reduction in festive environments. Know more, risk less

Alcohol: consumption and effects

Maximum blood alcohol level is reached about one hour after drinking a glass of alcohol. This may be down to 30 minutes on an empty stomach.

Jogging, dancing, having a shower, urinating, drinking coffee… do not help you sober up faster! Only time does.

At low dose

At higher dose
Loss of sense of time and space
Loss of balance
Behavioral and speech disorders…

But it’s also about
Memory loss / Blackout
Ethyl coma…

Above 2 standard glasses per day for women and 3 standard glasses per day for men on average, you increase your risk of cancer, cardiovascular and nervous system diseases and liver cirrhosis. Alcohol can lead to loss of self-control (violence, traffic accidents, sexual risks) and can cause drowsiness, gastric disorders, vomiting and alcohol coma. Repeated drunkenness and chronic alcohol consumption may become dangerous and quickly turn into a state of dependency. Awareness, help and change in behavior can, in some cases, help avoid the transition to dependency.


Standard doses in a bar

Even if served quantity are different, alcohol quantity absorbed is the same : 10g of pure alcohol per drink.


Homemade doses

With homemade doses, the legal blood alcohol limit for driving will be reached faster than you might think

At home, one glass of alcohol often corresponds to several standard glasses. Be careful with overdosing. Mixing with non-alcoholic drink does not reduce the quantity of alcohol.

Alcohol coma

Alcohol coma is an acute alcohol poisoning that results in unconsciousness. This happens when blood alcohol level is very high, i.e. when someone drinks too much and/or too fast. The risk is even higher on an empty stomach. It occurs at blood alcohol levels that vary from person to person.

An alcohol coma may be fatal if people around you do not react correctly.

In partnership with
• In any case call or have somebody call 112 or 15 (in France)
• if the person is conscious :
- keep him/her awake by talking to her.
• if the person is uncounscious : undo his/her tight clothes, check if he/she’s breathing and put him/her in recovery position
• stay with him/her until emergency services arrive and inquire about the location of a defibrillator