e-prevention and risk reduction in festive environments. Know more, risk less

Methoxetamine (MXE)

No matter why you came to this page, either you decided to buy MXE or to use some of the products listed on our website, maybe it’s maybe it’s just curiosity to learn or you are worrying about one of your relatives, we will give you answers and leads about harm prevention in order to limit aggravating factors associated with MXE use.

Methoxetamine (MXE) is a synthetic drug with mainly dissociative (dissociation of body and mind) and psychedelic (sensory distortions and hallucinations) properties.

Methoxetamine is one of the new synthetic drugs (“designer drugs,” “research chemicals,” “legal highs”) that are sold online. It is often sold either as ketamine or as one of its derivatives. However, the effects of MXE are different from those of ketamine: they take longer to appear, they are more potent and longer-lasting (see below). Chemically, methoxetamine is close to narcotic drugs such as ketamine and phencyclidine (PCP).

Methoxetamine is mostly snorted or taken orally under the tongue.
Sometimes it can be taken rectally, which requires smaller doses.
Rare cases of injection have been reported, causing loss of consciousness and memory.

In low dose
the effects are mostly euphoria, disinhibition and visual distortion. Methoxetamine is also reported to have an aphrodisiac effect.

In higher doses
sensory distortions are more intense and the effects more dissociative, with a disconnection between body and mind. Whether it turns out to be a good or bad experience for the user depends on the person’s emotional state and on the context.

It can also be
Agitation, Mood swings
Lack of movement coordination
Mental confusion, Amnesia
Nausea and vomiting
Alteration of the visual field
Increased blood pressure
Pain insensitivity
A sense of loss of identity...


The effects of methoxetamine appear on average 20 minutes after intake, but they can take up to 90 minutes to appear.
The effects are long-lasting: 2 to 3 hours on average, sometimes up to 7 hours.

Know more, risk less

With repeated use, tolerance can develop, leading to higher doses.

In the absence of data about the risks of MXE use during pregnancy, it is strongly discouraged to use it during pregnancy.

Before taking a new dose of MXE, wait until you can feel the effects: this drug can take a long time to act and taking a new dose because you don’t feel any effects puts you at risk of an overdose;

Remember to hydrate regularly and in small amounts each time

It is strongly discouraged to mix methoxetamine with opiates and, more generally, with any substance that has a respiratory depressant effect, MDMA (ecstasy), antidepressants;

Do not drive and do not engage in any difficult or high-responsibility tasks while under the influence of this drug

If equipment should be used to consume this drug (straw, syringe), do not share it with others to avoid the risk of HIV or hepatitis C infection (single-use equipment).


Methoxetamine overdose can be fatal by respiratory arrest. Overdose is therefore a medical emergency. It most commonly involves an increase in heart rate, advanced confusion, hallucinations, and extreme agitation. The user may also have suicidal thoughts.
The dissociative state can turn into a “bad trip” in some cases. This kind of bad experience can trigger psychiatric disorders in the user.
Urinary problems (cystitis, inflammation) can also appear after the use of methoxetamine. In addition, methoxetamine appears to be sometimes used for malicious purposes to abuse or steal from a person. Under MXE, the user is no longer able to defend himself/herself. With this drug, loss of consciousness and amnesia are possible.

In partnership with
• In any case call or have somebody call 112 or 15 (in France)
• if the person is conscious :
- keep him/her awake by talking to her.
• if the person is uncounscious : undo his/her tight clothes, check if he/she’s breathing and put him/her in recovery position
• stay with him/her until emergency services arrive and inquire about the location of a defibrillator